Propagand Nation USA

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Wall St. Journal: bloodthirsty, ghoulish, sons-a-bitches...

WHAT do the paid professional lairs and distortionists at the WALL St. JOURNAL have to say about the hell that has been unleashed in Iraq?

"...the worst mistakes have been more political than military."

Retch. These SOBs, so desirous of taking America back to the segregation-era 1950s, if not the lynch-mob 1920s, if not the ante-bellum days of chattel slavery, have got it HALF right: "Giving L. Paul Bremer too free a hand to govern like viceroy in 2003 and 2004 when a more rapid turnover of political power to Iraqis... MIGHT have made a big difference."

But that's sort of like saying "IF George W. Bush had paid attention to the threat of Al Qiada hijacking an airliner to crash into the Genoa G-8 summit meeting in July of 2001, he might have taken 1/100th of the precautions that Italian authorities did, and issued a General Traveller's Alert to the American flying public to be wary of hijacker. Such an official ALERT, ALONE, would have made the hijacker's task much, much more difficult, and certainly, the entire US air travel system would have been on hyper alert THE MOMENT the first airliner was hijacked, and maybe the second, third, and fourth hijackings would have been derailed by alerted crews and passengers.

But the TRAVELLER's ADVISORY that Attorney General Ashcroft recieved from the FBI in the summer of 2002, a "terrorist threat advisory" WAS NEVER broadcast to the American public. At best, Mr. Bush and his administration were willing to treat the American public as pigeons, risking our lives to keep the airline industry from making even the first level of heightened security preparations.

NO, THIS story (about "Mistakes in Iraq") is another typical example of MURDEROUS Wall St. Journal PROPAGANDA. Sort of like all those families RUINED by Dick Cheney absolving Halliburton of thousands of asbestos cases. Sort of like the WSJ CHEERLEADING George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, WHO TOOK EXTENDED VACATIONS as the LOWEST RECORDED PRESSURE EVER in the Atlantic Basin (that would be Hurricane Katrina as it pummelled the Cancun) gave America's Gulf Coast ALMOST A WEEK to PREPARE for a CATAGORY 5 HURRICANE LANDING.

No, The mistakes of L. Paul Bremer are only a SYMPTOM, NOT a cause, of the the Iraq meltdown. The murderous WSJ understands that. They KNOW that NINE BILLION DOLLARS in Iraqi rebuilding funds went missing. THEY KNOW that there has since then been only a FARCICAL 'investigation' of the missing loot.

They KNOW that the "mistakes" were not merely political: that the MILITARY LEADERSHIP's ROLE in the ABU GHRAIB TORTURE SCANDAL(s) infuriated Iraqis of all sects, and fueled the burgeoning insurgency. And the cowardly, lying WSJ editors realize that the TORTURE scandals were NOT the case of "rogue" privates and low-grade NCOs, but were the result of ORDERS coming out of Donald Rumsfeld's office.

NO, the WALL St. JOURNAL editors are PAID PROFESSIONAL LIARS, who like Injun bounty hunters of the American wild-west are looking to PROFIT from death, misery, and force of arms.

WSJ's murderous propaganda: Herr Goebbels couldn't do better.

<< Our own view is that the worst mistakes in Iraq have been more political than military, especially in not establishing a provisional Iraqi government from the very start. Instead, the U.S. allowed itself to be portrayed as occupiers, a fact that the insurgency exploited. But the blame for that goes well beyond Mr. Rumsfeld--and would extend to then-National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and to Mr. Bush himself.

Mr. Rumsfeld's largest mistake may have been giving L. Paul Bremer too free a hand to govern like a viceroy in 2003 and 2004 when a more rapid turnover of political power to Iraqis, and more rapid training of Iraqi forces, might have made a big difference. More than anything else, that unnecessary delay in Iraq's political and self-defense evolution has contributed to the current instability. >>

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Propaganda Nation USA... the Washington Post Whoring Lies and Misinformation....

GOP Hypocrite of the Week Nominee, The Washington Post Editorial Board

BuzzFlash Note: We could not wait until Friday's GOP Hypocrite of the Week to bring attention to the Washington Post's obvious work on behalf of the White House. One wonders what Fred Hiatt will get in return. We hope they at least give him a kiss.

by Ron Russell
April 12, 2006

Dear BuzzFlash,

I would like to nominate, for your consideration, the Washington Post's Editorial Board as this week's GOP Hypocrite of the Week. It's editor -- Fred Hiatt pretends to be impartial and he alone -- deserves BuzzFlash's GOP Hypocrite of the Week award, for today's column "A Good Leak". But separating the man from the Editorial Board, is impossible, because the article "A Good Leak" was a sneak attack against critics (including Joe Wilson) of Bush's War Lies!? This UNATTRIBUTED hit piece is yet another example of why the Editorial Department at the Washington Post has no credibility and is rapidly becoming a laughingstock. Rather than to list how disgusting this editorial was, I will simply quote just a few of numerous responses, which were quickly posted Sunday night, in response to "A Helpful Leak". This Editorial truly deserves it's own wing in any "Hall of Shame." But I digress, Editor and Publisher says:

"The editorial page, a co-producer and then staunch defender of the war in Iraq, declared in a headline on Sunday that the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) info "Scooter" Libby gave to reporters in 2003 was in reality 'A Good Leak.'"

In concluding his piece on Editor and Publisher, Greg Mitchell says:

"No wonder the Post, in today's editorial, calls Wilson's trip to Niger "absurdly over-examined." This is what people say when they want to change the subject instead of having to renew an indefensible position. The Post's editorial page has been wrong from the start on Iraq so we must at least applaud its consistency."

Joshua Marshall at Talking Points Memo says:

"The Post also sticks to the up-is-down claim that Wilson's trip to Niger supported rather than undermined the Niger-uranium claim. That is a viewpoint that can only be maintained if you are willfully ignorant of the backstory to the Niger canard. Wilson's report didn't add a lot to what most in the intelligence community already thought about the pretended Niger story."

He correctly concludes:

"They've made their deal with power. They should justify it on those grounds rather than choosing to mislead their readers."

In my opinion the best rebuke of the Washington Post's Editorial Board was done by Jane Hamshire, when she summed up so many points of view, at):

"The new Washington Post editorial, an enormous turd that editorial page editor Fred Hiatt no doubt wrote, is such an unmitigated piece of BushCo. propaganda, such a giant bag of bullshit it deserves to be taken apart, piece by piece and beaten into the ground."

Then Jane proceeds to do just that and my favorite part was close to the end:

"But the facts do not faze the surreal fantasies engaged in by the Post. No, no, they decide to do all the drugs at once"

I hope Buzzflash will encourage it's readers to read that blog entry. It's is the best review of the Washington Post's editorial Board I've ever seen.

I know we shouldn't condemn a paper like the Washington Post, but they have so openly shilled for the wing nuts, for sooooooo long, that they have earned this rebuke. They were highly critical of Bill Clinton for lying about a Personal Affair (where no one died). But in this Editorial, they actually are defending multiple lies, that have cost lives, treasure and world-wide hatred of this once great nation.

Warmest Regards,

Ron Russell
San Francisco, CA